Pulses launches

Thursday 18 July, 2024

We have been cooking a new product with LOGIC for a while now. The time has come to make it public and we could not be more excited.

Today we are launching Pulses, our newest product with LOGIC. We have already been using it within the company for months and we believe it can help remote teams get aligned better, easier and with far fewer meetings. Let’s get into the details.

What is Pulses

Pulses is the GitHub App that helps your team get aligned by replacing recurring meetings, like daily stand-ups, with scheduled GitHub discussions.

How it works

Pulses is a GitHub App, so first you need to authorize it with the minimum permissions required in your GitHub organization; to read repositories and write discussions.

Then, after signing in, all you need to do is create your first pulse in three simple steps:
  1. Click on “Create new pulse”
    Button to create a new pulse
  2. Select a GitHub repository
    The repository should have discussions enabled. If you don't have discussions enabled for your repositories, you can follow the documentation to enable this feature.
    Repository picker for a new pulse
  3. Configure your pulse
    Pick a name, a schedule (days of week, time, time zone) and GitHub discussion category, a title and a body
    Pulse configuration

Now, Pulses will start a new GitHub discussion in the selected category repository, using the title and body you picked, on the schedule of your choice. Below you can see an example from one of our recent daily check-ins created by Pulses:

Example Pulse from LOGIC's HQ repository

Why we built Pulses

We built Pulses to help our distributed, remote team get aligned better, easier and with fewer meetings. Instead of coordinating at a particular time of the day to have a synchronous alignment meeting, an asynchronous GitHub discussion starts on a schedule (e.g. Monday to Friday at 14:30 GMT) and we all share our replies, which also get threaded comments.

As a distributed team, we depend almost exclusively on written long-form communication in our single source of truth; GitHub. This makes it straightforward to find any information needed along with all useful context. It works so much better and more naturally for our distributed, remote team, than alignment meetings.

Lastly, with Pulses, you just have to configure your pulses once and then the whole team can just use GitHub — no need to onboard anyone to yet another tool.

Pulses has worked so good for us at LOGIC. We can never look back.

Get started

To get started with Pulses all you need to do is visit https://pulses.dev and sign up with your GitHub account.

Pulses will stay completely free for July 2024, with pricing announced by the end of the month. People who have already subscribed to the waiting list or get subscribed before the end of the month will get one year for free.

Ditch your daily standups and save precious time by signing up for Pulses now at https://pulses.dev. We would love to hear your feedback at [email protected].