Ditch your daily stand‑ups

Pulses improves team alignment by replacing meetings with scheduled, recurring GitHub discussions.

Why Pulses
Verba volant, scripta manent

Spoken words fly away, written ones remain. Alignment is better in written form, where you can go back and look at what has been stated.

Asynchronous wins

No need to keep trying to find the most convenient time for team meetings. Everyone can respond to a pulse on their own schedule.

Single source of truth

Never again question details from past meetings. With Pulses, you can revisit any discussion. All information is stored on GitHub, organized and easily accessible for effective project management.

No onboarding needed

All you have to do is set up a schedule for Pulses to create discussions on GitHub. Your team stays on GitHub.

How it works
Install Pulses
Sign up for Pulses and install it as a GitHub app on your GitHub organization
Pick a repo
Select one of your repositories to create a new pulse
Set up discussion
Configure the category, name and content for discussions created by your pulse
Set up schedule
Pick the days and time you want Pulses to post the discussions
From now on, a discussion will be posted by Pulses with the contents and on the schedule configured
Get started with Pulses today
Replace your stand-ups and recurring meetings with Pulses. Create scheduled discussions on the days and time of choice to get aligned with your team without ever leaving GitHub.
Get Pulses